Links to other Acorn sites
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This page contains:
See also our lists of bureaux that can
accept Impression files and training centres for CC products in the
support section of the site.
Links are provided in good faith, but Computer Concepts accepts no
responsibility for the actions of the companies and organisations listed here.
It's a service; no endorsement is implied.
If you run or know of a site that should be added to these pages, e-mail
Links to other Acorn companies
- Abacus training
- an Acorn training company.
- Aleph One - designer of the PC card
and co-processor for Acorn machines.
- AlSystems - designer of hardware,
including a SCSI III card.
- Ant Limited - network and Internet
solutions for Acorn machines; the author of the Ant Internet
- APDL - Archimdes PD library
that has recently moved into the area of IDE drives.
- Apricote
Studios - author of business software for the Acorn, including
Prophet and Personal Accounts.
- ArgoNet - Acorn-friendly
- Astute Graphics
- graphic design service and author of the
- Atomwide - maker of various
hardware upgrades for Acorn machines, including memory and network cards.
- Castle
Technology - specialist in SCSI interfaces and devices, including scanners.
- Clares Micro Supplies - Acorn
developer with a wide range of products in almost all areas.
Composition ProArtisan, Virtualise,
Schema and Rhapsody are some of Clares' most notable
- Colton
Software - developer of PipeDream and Fireworkz.
- Dalriada Data Technology -
producer of a range of DTP-related software, including TableMate
and DiagramIT. Also now branching out into Web-related products.
- The Datafile - Acorn PD
library and source of fine decorative fonts.
- Doggysoft - authors of a wealth
of PD and commercial software, including the Termite Internet and
BBS software.
- Eesox - CD-ROM,
graphics tablet and SCSI card specialist.
- Electronic Font Foundry (EFF)
- supplier of quality fonts for the Acorn (and other platforms).
- Expressive
Software Projects - music software and hardware.
- Fabis Computing - authors of
EasyFont and EasyClip.
- H S Software
- authors of educational software, with a special emphasis on Special Needs.
Also does software for the BBC Micro.
- Icon Technology
- developer of TechWriter and EasiWriter.
- Iota Software - writers of the
DataPower database and The Compleat Animator.
- Koala Software -, products for
Acorn platforms in Australia.
- Longman Logotron - authors of a range of
educational software, and of the painting package The Big Picture.
- Minerva Software - this
software house recently celebrated its tenth birthday, and offers software from
primary school level through to packages like Ancestry II, it's
family tree software.
- Octopus Systems - authors of the
Teletext+ software.
- Quantum Software -
author of Keystroke and Blinds, and an add-on for
Impression called Impressive.
- R-Comp & RCI- developer
of HTMLEdit, ProSoundand Acorn Doom.
- Sibelius Software - author
of the award-winning Sibeliusmusic typesetting package.
- Softease - developer of
- Spacetech- author of
Photodesk and other software.
- Uniqueway - specialist in the use
of Acorns in video editing.
- Werewolf Software - author of
CDTracker, with close links to The Werewolf BBS.
- Zynet Ltd- Acorn-friendly Internet
service provider.
Links to Acorn dealers
Links to Acorn user groups
Links to Acorn magazines
- Acorn User - the leading
Acorn-only magazine.
- Archive -
subscription-only magazine published by Paul Beverley.
- Digital
Oasis - on-line Acorn enthusiasts' magazine
- Risc
User - this is nominally the Web site for Risc User, a subscription-only
magazine published by Beebug, but it also contains a lot of other useful
- rxñ: risc armageddon - a
very professional looking e-zine for Acorn users.
Other links
© Copyright Computer Concepts:
page last updated 2 Dec 1998
For more information about this site, contact