As a result of the 1993 and 1994 ArtWorks clip-art competitions we received a large number of high-quality drawings. These CD-ROMs (No 1 for 1993 and No 2 for 1994) include the best of them and many more ArtWorks and other graphic examples.
More applications are now supporting the ArtWorks file format (for example, the Impression range and products from Iota, Clares and Longman Logotron). The ArtWorks clip-art CDs are the ideal way to gain some of the best illustrations available for Acorn computers. The clip-art CDs contain:
Price:£19.00 + VAT (£22.32 incl.)
Special price: buy both CD-ROMs together for £30 + VAT (£35.25 incl.)
2MByte recommended. Suitable for all models of the Acorn RISC computer with a CD-ROM drive.